Discussing The Effects Of Dolomite Mining On The Environment!
The environment is at stake according to the dolomite mining corporation. Excessive exploitation has led to harm to the environment. The development of infrastructure and the core sectors directly links to the excess production of minerals, like coals and dolomite. Increasing urbanization and industrialization is the reason why dolomite mining companies in India carry on huge mining operations.
Effects Of Dolomite Mining On The Environment:
- Dolomite mining has adverse environmental effects. The first one is erosion. Excessive mining can lead to the erosion of mine dumps, drainages, creeks, and river beds. Soil erosion results in a decrease in water availability for the growth of plants. Moreover, it results in population decline in the ecosystem.
- The next effect is the sinkholes. Overburden at the dolomite mining site can cause cavities in the rocks and subsoils. These cavities form sinkholes in the earth’s surfaces. However, proper infrastructure design can help to avoid sinkholes.
- Dolomite mining activities also have severe effects on the groundwater. Unnatural high concentration chemicals like arsenic and mercury can increase in the groundwater if necessary actions are not taken.
- Acid rock drainage also occurs due to huge mining practices. Areas where there is a disturbance of the Earth, like construction sites may face the problem of acid rock drainage.
- Besides, the huge tons of garbage that the dolomite mining companies in India produce makes it difficult for the aquatic biodiversity to survive. Sea animals die due to the elimination of wastes in the water bodies.
How Can Industries Do Responsible Mining?
Responsible mining is to make sure that while companies carry out the digging process, the environment is harmed in no way. A lot of dolomite mining industries have been following the responsible mining standards:
- Although dolomite mining is economically beneficial for the industries, the activity must be done within a certain limit. Local communities are responsible to keep a track of all the nearby mining activities. They can complain to higher authorities when the limit exceeds.
- The industries must also understand the environmental safety protocols and adhere to them. This can potentially reduce the risks of environmental damage.
Looking for the most reliable dolomite mining company in India, that follows eco-friendly practices and aims to reduce environmental damages. Then, Metis Steel is the solution. They have relevant experiences in serving their clients with the best services. Get in touch with them today!